Wednesday, 28 January 2015

It Rains in the Rain Forest!

As dry as it was most of yesterday, it has poured today. In a brief respite, after showering and putting on some dry clothes, we made it to lunch. It seems that the spread is the same for each lunch and dinner except for the meat or fish that goes with it all. Tomatoes, cucumber, coleslaw, rice, beans, pasta and for lunch today - pork. It was good!

After lunch we sat in the comfy seats in the open bar area, watching the rain pouring down and temporarily flooding the surrounds. I can think of worse places to be marooned. We have no plans for the rest of today, given the rain, so we will relax and read and blog our way to dinner.  We were told by our guide that the average rainfall in this area is 8 metres - not sure if that is a weekly, monthly or annual figure! The rain is noisy as well as wet! (Update it is annually)

No phone signal or wi-fi so we are blissfully unaware of what is happening in the rest of the world.

It rained buckets, cats and dogs and full on tropical stuff ALL night and in the morning we were issued with black bags to cover our stuff.

Poured all day today (Wednesday) too. But we have arrived at hotel number three and it's fabulous. 

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